2014年12月23日 星期二


3 Ways to Cast Further 3種讓您抛的更遠的要領 (取自Deneki Outdoors)

Stop Your Rod Tip High. Almost everybody makes this mistake – you make a bunch of beautiful false casts with your rod tip traveling in a nice straight path, and then when you go to deliver the cast, you ‘reach back for a little extra’ and on the forward cast you make a giant move forward with your rod hand, which also turns into a giant move down with your rod hand, which drives the tip of your rod down towards the ground, which results in a giant open loop, which can’t cut through the air at all, and robs your cast of any chance of going any further than that last nice false cast you made. Don’t be that guy – use the same motion on your delivery as you made on your false casts, stopping the rod tip nice and high, resulting in a sweet tight loop that sends your fly into the next zip code.
前抛竿梢停頓位置要停的高。很多人為了想把線射的遠一些,最后一抛出盡力氣,竿梢最终停頓位置指着地上,夹角变得過大,導致loop很寛十分抗风,想抛遠一些却弄巧反拙。下次記住最后的一抛跟之前的false cast要一樣的順暢,竿梢高停左手放線,casting arm不要大力把線甩出去。

Drift – Don’t Creep. Don’t rob your cast of power by creeping into your forward cast and shortening your casting stoke. Great casters drift instead of creeping.
Creep(爬竿)的定義是線(false cast)還未翻開,竿子已經往相反方向移動但同時又還没正式發動抛投。Creep最大問题就是導致arc跟stroke都变小,這就引發一系列的毛病。下次遠抛的時候學習如何drift(停後飄)。

Rotate Your Rod. If you’re launching pretty darned long casts already and you want to take things to 11, learn to rotate your rod when you’re shooting line to minimize the drag that occurs when your shooting line whacks back and forth against your rod.
抛投Stroke是分為translation跟rotation两個component. Translation是竿子往抛投的方向進行但rod angle不变竿子也没有load。竿子的rod angle一旦改变而開始感覺loading就是進入rotation的阶段了。作者上面這句話感覺很含糊。唯一合理的解釋我想到的就是:抛投距離越遠,casting arc(前后抛rod butt之间的夾角)就應該要随之变大。

